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Binance Raises Alarm Over Gambaryan Tigrans Health, Says He Is Denied Access to WheelChair

Detained Binance staff, Gambaryan Tigrans has been denied access to a wheel chair but instead was given a crutches, according to a statement from the company.

Tigran was denied a wheelchair and had to enter the court on crutches, visibly in pain and distressed, eventually breaking down in tears. His lawyers filed a new bail application on medical grounds and due to restricted access to him for trial preparation. The EFCC prosecutor opposed this on the basis he is well, but the partial medical records provided recommend urgent surgery.

A video circulating shows the mistreatment and pain he’s enduring.

The judge ordered that Tigran be allowed to use a wheelchair, with the bail hearing continuing on September 4th.

“We are extremely distressed by the video of Tigran in court yesterday. This video is just a snapshot of Tigran’s current reality. His health is rapidly declining and we are deeply concerned about the long term consequences of this unjust detention.

Nigeria does not need to keep Tigran in order for us to settle any alleged past issues. We continue to implore the Government of Nigeria to let Tigran return home and let us continue in our engagements.

Our recent resolutions with Brazil and India demonstrate how historical issues can be resolved through constructive dialogue and adherence to legal standards. This is the international standard of doing business.” – Binance 



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